

    1. To bring about qualitative enhancement at all levels of education.
    2. To provide academic research, extension and training support in the field of school education throughout the state.
    3. To assist / advise the Department of Education of Haryana Government to implement its policies and major programmes in the field of primary education.
    4. To provide academic backup, leadership, guidance and suggestions for the qualitative improvement of primary education through reorientation of educational content and practice.
    5. To provide leadership, academic guidance, suggestions to institutions such as DIETs, GETTIs and Private Institutions.
    6. To achieve the goals of revamping primary education in Haryana State.
    7. To organize innovative programmes for the propagation and dissemination for new trends and approaches related to education.
    8. To publish educational literature.
    9. To organize creative programmes like Science Fairs, Drama, Students Science Seminars, Youth Parliament, Commissioner Cup Essay Writing Competition, Debate Competition at grass-root level to promote the overall development of students