- To bring about qualitative enhancement at all levels of education.
- To provide academic research, extension and training support in the field of school education throughout the state.
- To assist / advise the Department of Education of Haryana Government to implement its policies and major programmes in the field of primary education.
- To provide academic backup, leadership, guidance and suggestions for the qualitative improvement of primary education through reorientation of educational content and practice.
- To provide leadership, academic guidance, suggestions to institutions such as DIETs, GETTIs and Private Institutions.
- To achieve the goals of revamping primary education in Haryana State.
- To organize innovative programmes for the propagation and dissemination for new trends and approaches related to education.
- To publish educational literature.
- To organize creative programmes like Science Fairs, Drama, Students Science Seminars, Youth Parliament, Commissioner Cup Essay Writing Competition, Debate Competition at grass-root level to promote the overall development of students