
    Mathematics Department


    SOGOL-So Cool

    Ganitgyan- YouTube Channel


    September 2022

    October 2022

    November 2022

    December 2022- Hindi Medium

    Dec 2022-English Medium

    January 2023-Hindi Medium

    January 2023-English Medium

    February 2023- English Medium

    February-2023- Hindi Medium

    March-2023-Hindium Medium

    June-2024-English Medium

    • To develop innovative TLM
    • To Develop Maths Textbooks Question papers and modules
    • To Conduct professional development of Teachers and teacher educators
    • To support all other departments and Director in planning and management
    • Act as FAA for RTI

    Ongoing Projects, Activities, and events

    1. State-Level Teacher Contest –
      • On the occasion of National Mathematics Day                                                         

    The contest featured submissions in five categories: A) Comic Based Maths Story/Poetry (Preferably from Indian contributions); B) Puzzle; C) Task; D) Mathematical Games; E) Classroom Videos/Write-up of Maths Textbook Lessons. The post-event activities are in process that would include prizes and certificates to the participants and making a compendium

    1. Celebration of National Mathematics Week

    Third/ fourth week of December

    Like Every year National Maths week was celebrated on the birth anniversary of Indian Mathematician Ramanujam in all the Government schools of Haryna as per the guidelines shared by Maths Department SCERT. Maths Quiz, Maths Mela, Various competitions and activities such as Maths Rangoli making, and poster making were organized at District and School Levels.

    1. Experiential learning through Mathematics lab practicals

    25.10.2023 to 27.10.2023

    NEP 2020 and NCF SE highlight ‘Mathematics is a form of understanding the world through patterns, measurements, and quantities. Mathematics education also develops capacities for problem-solving, logical reasoning, and computational thinking. However, Mathematics is often disconnected, procedural, and based upon rote memorization. To Promote experiential learning ( as per recommendations of NEP 2020), Maths lab practical are being developed for students of grades IX to XII to make mathematics more engaging, and connected and for the development of problem-solving, reasoning, logical thinking, and visualization capacities.

    1. Visit to Mirambika, A progressive school based on Aurobindo Philosophy


    A day visit was organized to the Mirambika Research Centre for Integral Education and Human Values, situated at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Campus, New Delhi.  It was a team of around 15 members consisting of teachers from the schools, BRPs, ABRCs, and officials from the council. The purpose of the visit was to understand and witness the existing practices based on Indian philosophies on holistic development, active learning, and student-centered pedagogies by nurturing progressive and alternate education approaches.

    1. Puzzle Corner- Har ghar , har gali, bujho paheli

    Weekly Puzzles 

    All schools are instructed to create puzzle corners and display at least one puzzle or challenge in the puzzle corner every week. Incorporating puzzles, problems, and riddles in the school environment can have numerous benefits. Research has shown that engaging in such activities can develop better thinking strategies, as highlighted in the biographies of many renowned scientists and mathematicians. Furthermore, the recently implemented National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 also emphasizes promoting local culture and Indian roots and incorporating local puzzles can align with this objective. NEP 2020 recommends the importance of mathematical thinking and promotes the regular use of puzzles and games that make mathematical thinking more enjoyable and engaging.

    1. Monthly Discussion series on Puzzles and Games

    Third / Fourth week of each month

    To implement the processes and game, toy, and puzzle-based pedagogy (as recommended by NEP 2020 and NCF SE, 2023), each month, discussions on a specific game puzzle, or toy are being conducted on how to integrate it with the pedagogical processes in mathematics.


    1. Math’s e-Newsletter- Monthly (2022-23) and quarterly (2023 onwards …)


    To inspire, educate, and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math learning into accessible and practical forms, related material, messages, and experiences must be shared in the field regularly. Further, NEP 2020 highlights the importance of Problem-solving ability, Mathsticks publishes challenging tasks and puzzles for teachers and students of all levels. It also provides research-based inputs in accessible forms for teachers to implement in their teaching-learning process.

    1. Power of mistakes


    NEP 2020 envisions children learning how to learn.  Mistakes are powerful tools to know about students’ thinking and hence to develop Mathematics teacher noticing, a research area that examines how teachers pay attention to and make sense of their students’ mathematical thinking. The math department has initiated a project on creating a compendium on common mistakes and developing professional noticing of teachers and students in this regard.

    1. Supporting other departments-Reviewer/ Moderator of the Maths content (Question papers, National and State level Textbooks), Proofreading of math’s textbooks, MOOC development team member, teachers’ training related to math pedagogy


    Talks and Conferences

    • Talk by SCERT, Haryana, Faculty in a Webinar organized by ‘At Right Angles’ Team, Azim Prem Ji University- ‘आज की पहेली क्या है ?’

    Link of the  Webinar

    • Presentation in school synergy workshop series 2022 on Exploring the Power of Mistakes in Mathematics.

    Link of the  Webinar

    • Presentation on ‘ Innovative Pedagogy’ on the occasion of ‘Shikshak part’ at the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre organized by NCERT, New Delhi

    Link of the Session

    • Presentation at the 4th Annual Conference of Mathematics Teachers Association of India

    Youtube link of the session

    • Presentation at IIT Gandhi Nagar, Curiosity Conference on ‘Harbans Puzzles’ and ‘Data Explorations tasks for generating the curiosity’
    • Presentation of Harbans Puzzles in Lumat research symposium at the University of Eastern Finland.
    • Live interaction on PM e Vidya Channel on various topics at different levels

    Latest Publications

    Published Article in the ‘At Right Angles’ magazine by Azim Prem ji University ‘Harbans Puzzle’ October 2022

    Sunil Bajaj

    Jasneet Kaur

    Maths Department

    Published research paper in Web Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference episteme 9, HBCSE, TIFR Mumbai. ‘Exploring the Scope for Using Data Science in The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: An Action Research Among Secondary School Students’

    222-226, July 2022.


    Jasneet Kaur

    Maths Department

    Published chapter in the book “OUTCOME BASED CURRICULUM AND PEDAGOGY

    Contemporary Research Studies”

    Listening to the Teacher Voices: Reflections and Learnings from Covid -19 Online Teaching Experiences Dec 2022

    Jasneet Kaur

    Maths Department

    Continuous Professional Development in Mathematics for BRPs and ABRCs- Report Shiksha Sarthi Nov 2022 Jasneet Kaur
    ‘Matchsticks’ A monthly Maths Letter for teachers: an initiative by SCERT, Haryana Shiksha Sarthi Feb 2022 Jasneet Kaur

    Key Achievements

    • Honoured for Innovative Mathematics Lab by the Worthy Governer in 2011.
    • Appreciation of State level Maths textbooks for grades I and II by HBCSE and National Level experts.
    • Innovative TLM ‘SOGOL’ displayed in the Mathematics Lab of HBCSE, TIFR Mumbai.
    • Members of authors’ team of National Level textbooks for grades IX to XII; Lab Manuals ( IX to XII), Exmaplars Problems (XII), Teacher Handbook of Mathematics VI to VIII; Development of Kit Manuals ( I and II).
    • Development of Animated content for Maths Lab activities with IIT Delhi.
    • Participated in the workshop’ Development of Mathematics syllabi and Mathematics Textbooks at the Foundational and Preparatory Stage as per NEP-2020’at NCERT, NEW Delhi
    • Member of the textbook Development Team of the Preparatory stage at the National Level , NCERT, New Delhi
    • Resource person for Promoting Art Integrated Learning and Pedagogy in Mathematics – Development of the Secondary level Maths exemplars for the NCERT Guidelines Document.
    • National Resource Group (NRG) Representative for FLN from Mathematics Department, SCERT, Haryana
    • Incorporated the Puzzles based questions ‘ Harbans Puzzles’ in state level assessments ‘ SATs’  from grade VI to XII.

    Activities for 2022-23

    Sr. No Title Dates
    1 National Level puzzle contest 22.12.2022

    Continuous Professional Development of BRP and ABRCs in Mathematics through online/offline



    Weekly online interactions-June to Dec 2022
    3 Maths sticks Monthly Newsletter Sept to March 2023

    Developing TLM/ eTLM videos for creating a repository for Promoting Hands-on and Experiential maths Learning


    May 2022 to March 2023

    Tryouts and Promotion of Puzzles (Kenken and Harbans) for all grade levels.


    Weekly quiz during summer vacations and trials.

    State Position paper of teaching mathematics and computational thinking Link of the position paper


    April 2022
    7 Reviewer of the Maths content (Questions Papers, National and State level Textbooks), Proof reading of maths textbooks. 2022-23
    8 Contributor for the development and Modification of Maths Lab Material at National level (NCERT, New Delhi) March 2022

    Contact details:

    Sr. No. Name Designation
    1 Sh. Sunil Bajaj Joint Director