
    REAP CELL ( Research and Experiments For Action & Policy )

    Basic Function of Wing:


    REAP is the research department established by the Department of School Education Haryana in July 2011 under the aegis of SCERT Haryana. REAP has a core team to carry out research activities with the help of its Action Research Associates (also called ARAs) who are the permanent teachers, lecturers from the department of School Education Haryana deputed at different DIETs to conduct research & monitoring activities at district level. Currently, there are 10 ARAs working in 9 districts of the State which includes Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Hisar, Jind, Kaithal, Karnal, Kurukshetra and Mahendergarh. All the ARAs have been trained by REAP core team to carry out survey activities.

    With regards to research, we work on Core REAP Research Projects which mainly include educational surveys & policy/scheme evaluation, Independent projects like Action Research by DIETs, Capacity Building trainings of DIET & School faculty and other projects as assigned by department.


    REAP was established with the aim to institute research and monitoring activities within the Department for timely and efficient feedback into policy making. In addition, it also helps in smooth implementation of various projects & surveys which ultimately leads to improved learning outcomes for student.

    Ongoing Research Projects at REAP, SCERT Gurugram


    Sr. No Title of Program Period with Dates

    No. of


    Type/ Designation of Participants Sponsored by Any Other Information/ Remarks
    1.        Batch 1: Basic Research Methodology Sept. 15-17, 2023 35 DIET Lecturers & Action Research Associates (ARAs)


















    TPMC Cell


    Trainings conducted in 3 phases (3 days each) of same batch of DIET faculty.

    Training evaluation report shows continuous learning enhancement of the participants in the Research topics discussed during the training sessions

    2.        Batch 2: Research Methodology- Formulation of Hypothesis & Sampling Oct. 3-5, 2023 38 DIET Lecturers & Action Research Associates (ARAs)
    3.        Action Research Oct. 16-18, 2023 64 DIET & School Faculty

    3-days training program conducted in single batch.

    Training evaluation report shows continuous learning enhancement of the participants.

    As a follow-up, all the DIET and school faculty will conduct an Action Research (collectively) in the9ir respective districts and submit the final report to REAP cell.

    The same is in progress at DIET level.

    4.        Introduction to Research Nov. 20-22, 2023 72 DIET Faculty (Newly joined)

    3-days training program conducted in single batch.

    Training evaluation report shows continuous learning enhancement of the participants.

    5.        Batch 3: Research Methodology- Tool Development (Process & Types: Standardized & Unstandardized tools) Dec. 5-7, 2023 42 DIET Lecturers & Action Research Associates (ARAs)

    Trainings conducted in 3 phases (3 days each) of same batch of DIET faculty.

    Training evaluation report shows continuous learning enhancement of the participants in the Research topics discussed during the training sessions



    • 25 Position Papers uploaded on the Tech Platform.
    • In the session 2021-22 SCF Tech Platform was created and DLC (District Level Committee) meetings were held.
    • First, an Orientation on the Dipstick Study has been done. Earlier Dipstick Studies were done for Medical & Market Research. This method of study is now being carried forward and will be conducted in all districts.
    • Also noteworthy is that all the Resource Persons were from National Level Institutes.
    • Collaboration among SCERT, SIASTE, DIET, and State Universities to strengthen research activities in the state.

    Ongoing Activities:

    Research activities performed during 2023-24:

    REAP Cell also conducted research projects (mainly status surveys and learning assessments) as assigned by the Department during the current academic session. Also, some of the surveys were conducted in collaboration with NCERT, RIE Ajmer as and when assigned. The details regarding the same are as follows:


    Sr. No. Title Objectives of the study Major findings Current Status Sponsored by

    Pilot study on ‘Effectiveness of IED centers (for CWSN) in governments schools of


    The main objective of the survey was to study the status of IED centers for CWSN in 5 sample districts of Haryana including Dadri, Faridabad, Hisar, Kaithal and Kurukshetra.

    The stakeholders included APC-IEDs, Principals of IED Centers, Special Educators and Parents of IED centers.


    Data shows that among all 3 categories, parents of students under’ Home Based Education’ were least satisfied with the support being given as compared to parents of students studying under ‘Regular School Placement’ and ‘Resource Room Placement’.

    The need for more Special Educators and capacity building of General teachers to sensitize them about the needs of CWSN in schools were suggested as the most effective ways for the better functioning of IED centers.

    Summary report of pilot study has been submitted.

    Based on the summary report of pilot survey, scale-up on the same study has been planned for the remaining districts.


    Teacher Education Cell of DSE

    2. Scale-up study on ‘Effectiveness of IED centers (for CWSN) in governments schools of Haryana’

    Based on the initial findings of the pilot survey the same study has been scaled-up for another 13 districts of Haryana with the same objective as mentioned earlier.

    The stakeholders included APC-IEDs, Principals of IED Centers, Special Educators and Parents of IED centers.

    Survey has been rolled-out and the primary data collection has been completed.

    Data entry for the same is in progress at DIET (selected) and REAP level.

    Data Entry is in progress.

    Work on theoretical chapters has been completed.

    Teacher Education Cell of DSE
    3. A Study on – Individualize Tracking Learning for Girls Students in KGBV Schools in Haryana

    To assess the learning level of girl students of KGBVs (existing students as well as new entrants) of classes 6, 7 & 8 by conducting an objective type competency based assessment survey for all the 4 subjects i.e., Hindi, English, Maths & EVS.

    The survey was conducted in all functional KGBV schools across the state.

     Assessment survey has been rolled out in all functional KGBV schools.

    Data entry for the same has been completed.

    Report writing in progress Teacher Education Cell of DSE
    4. A Study of Implementing post NAS 2021 interventions for Holistic Learning in Aspirational Districts of Northern Region The study aimed at planning and executing the need based interventions for improving the performance of the students in the sample aspirational districts of Northern region.

    Piloting of Survey Tool was conducted in Nuh district under the guidance of RIE Ajmer.


    Task of piloting has been completed as assigned.


    The survey has been rolled out in 2 aspirational blocks including Nuh & Punhana in selected 11 sample school of all levels is from Nov 20-Dec 2, 2023.

    Teacher Education Cell of DSE
    5. An exploratory Study of Integration of Indigenous Sports and Games as Pedagogical Strategies The study aimed at collecting the information regarding the indigenous sports and games being played in different part of the state. Data collected on the pre-designed format as provided by NCERT, New Delhi. Report submitted to NCERT, New Delhi highlighting the various indigenous games being played in different parts of the state. Teacher Education Cell of DSE
    6. Status survey on the implementation of ‘Toy Based Pedagogy’ in government primary schools in Haryana

     The study has been designed to find out the status of toy based teaching-learning process in government schools (Primary level) of Haryana along with the scope of further improvement in the process for smooth implementation of the same.

    The stakeholders for the survey will be primary school teachers

    Initial draft of survey tools for primary data collection has been prepared. The survey has been planned to roll out in the month of Jan, 2024. Teacher Education Cell of DSE
    7. Status of Early Childhood Care Centers in Haryana

    > To study the status of infrastructure and other facilities available in early childhood education centers (Aanganwadis’) in Haryana.

    The study is being conducted in Aanganwadi centers and Bal vatika in government primary schools of Haryana. The stakeholders includes aanganwadi workers & the supervisor in aanganwari centers and teacher & supervisor handling bal vaika in school.

    Data collection activity is currently going on in the field i.e., actual school & aanganwadi settings. Survey will be completed in the month of Dec, 2023; after which data entry and report writing process will begin. Teacher Education Cell of DSE
    8. Research paper based on FLS 2022: Foundational Literacy Study State Report Haryana To suggest remedial actions and interventions to improve the learning levels.

    In Hindi, the state’s performance was above the national average.

    In Maths & English, the state’s performance was above the national average.

    Paper submitted to NECRT, New Delhi as per guidelines provided. Teacher Education Cell of DSE

    Ongoing Activities-  2024-25:

    S. No. Title of Program Period with Date No. of Participants Type/Description of Participants Sponsored by Remarks
    1 Orientation on Dipstick Study 29.04.2024 & 30.04.2024 42

    DIET Faculty (40)

    School Faculty (02-of District Faridabad)


    Each DIET has to conduct one Dipstick Study.

    Online meetings will commence shortly


    Meeting on collaboration among SCERT, SIASTE and State Universities


    17 May, 2024 25

    Vice-Chairperson, HSHEC

    Joint Director Elementary Education

    Dean, SVSU

    Joint Director SVSU

    Members from SCERT, SIASTE, DIETs

    Objective: To promote collaboration among SCERT, SIASTE and State Universities to strengthen research activities in the state and to improve Pre-Service Teacher Education.


    Major points discussed:

    ·         Conduct collaborative research projects

    ·         Develop centralized system for allotment of internship schools to pupil- teachers

    ·         Start ITEP -Foundational, Preparatory and Middle level at SIASTE, DIET

    ·         Seminar and conferences to be organized for school teachers





    Sr.No. Name Designation
    1 Dr Suman Sharma Senior Specialist
    2 Ms Rupam Jha Subject Specialist
    3 Dr Shivani Kaushik Subject Specialist
    4 Dr Sheenu Dahiya Research Associate
    5 Mr Ankur Bhardwaj Programmer
    6 Mr Mahak Singh Data Entry Operator
    7 Mr Devanand Data Entry Operator

    Email- researchmanager[dot]reapscert[at]gmail[dot]com